Case Study: Transforming Merck’s Chronic Illness Research Through Design Thinking

Can design thinking methodologies uncover new opportunities for patient engagement while ensuring innovation readiness for senior teams?

In an effort to engage patients more deeply with the Merck brand and explore new digital opportunities, I led a design thinking initiative focused on chronic illness research. The project aimed to mitigate the risk of Merck’s pharmaceuticals losing exclusivity to generics by identifying digital solutions that would enhance patient engagement. This initiative was also part of a broader digital transformation to build digital acumen across the organization. The challenge was twofold: develop patient-centered digital solutions while guiding senior team members to embrace new methodologies and strategies.

As a design thinking coach, I introduced the team to the Design Thinking model, guiding senior product and marketing leaders through iterative research processes. Together, we uncovered actionable insights into patient behaviors and attitudes, enabling Merck to explore new health-tech solutions that aligned with patient expectations and extended the value of their pharmaceutical offerings.

Results Snapshot:

  • Identified Health-Tech Opportunities: The research uncovered areas where Merck could introduce digital health solutions that aligned with the needs of chronic illness patients and physicians, extending their engagement beyond traditional pharmaceuticals.
  • Leadership Empowerment with New Methodologies: Senior market researchers and product leaders gained hands-on experience with design thinking and new digital research methods, which helped them adopt more innovative approaches across other initiatives.
  • Paved the Way for Future Digital Initiatives: The project laid the groundwork for future patient engagement strategies, positioning Merck to explore further digital transformations in the healthcare space.

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