Case Study: Streamlining Carton Tracking Workflows for Enhanced Efficiency

How do you transform a legacy logistics system into an efficient, user-centered platform without major infrastructure overhauls?

PCSTrac, a carton tracking solution for online retailers, had proven its value in core functionality but was hindered by a cumbersome user interface and workflow inefficiencies. Although technically robust, users often relied on time-consuming workarounds that slowed down operations. My role was to collaborate with senior engineers to bring a user-centered perspective, aligning design improvements with the existing technical constraints of the legacy platform.

Through contextual inquiries, persona development, and usability testing, I led the research that informed both workflow optimizations and interface redesigns. The project resulted in more streamlined processes that significantly improved user satisfaction and system usability. Additionally, the PCSTrac team embraced user-centered design principles, applying these to future product development.

Results Snapshot:

Balanced Technical Constraints and User Needs: Despite the limitations of the legacy system, the user-centered design approach introduced practical solutions that enhanced the user experience without necessitating expensive system overhauls.

Increased Efficiency through Streamlined Workflows: By addressing key workflow bottlenecks, the system allowed users to eliminate redundant manual processes, leading to measurable improvements in operational productivity within 3PL operations.

Improved User Satisfaction and Task Efficiency: The redesigned interface, with a cleaner and more intuitive layout, led to increased satisfaction among users who had previously been frustrated by the outdated interface. This improvement enhanced task efficiency and reduced friction in daily operations.

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